Business Administration

  • Degree Type Bachelor of Science
  • Department Business Administration
  • Academic Division The Williams School
  • Offerings Major Entrepreneurship minor

Students at the New York Stock Exchange Students at the New York Stock Exchange

工商管理是太阳城集团大学最受欢迎的专业之一&L. 我们提供创新和体验的小班课程(通常为16至22名学生). 我们的教授保持开放政策,并定期在课外与学生交流. 教学质量无疑是我们的首要任务.

Business Administration


典型的兴趣领域是金融行业(如银行业), investments, Wall Street and real estate development), marketing (advertising and branding), entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability and business consulting. 工商管理专业的学生参与案例研究,关注商业(金融)的许多方面, marketing, organizational behavior, leadership, strategic management, law and ethics). 他们有机会批判性地分析当前情况下的真实公司并提出建议.

The Connolly Center for Entrepreneurship

The J. 劳伦斯康诺利创业中心是一个跨学科中心,旨在帮助校园内的学生学习如何将他们的创意转化为成功的商业企业. 学生们沉浸在一门强调分析思维的课程中, qualitative and quantitative reasoning, creativity and innovation.

康诺利中心为学生提供必要的工具来制定既可执行又可资助的商业计划, 教职员工和校友社区非常支持学生的创业,从概念到商业计划,再到启动,甚至更远.

The Roger Mudd Center for Ethics

The Roger Mudd Center for Ethics advances dialogue, 公共道德和职业道德问题的教学和研究在大学的所有三个学院-学院, the Williams School, and the School of Law. 它成立于2010年,是获奖记者罗杰·马德(Roger Mudd) 50岁时捐赠给该校的礼物.

“I enjoy the process of analyzing problems, 找到最好的解决方案,用证据支持我的决定.”

Joe Wen
Class of 2019

Related Programs

贫困与人类能力跨学科研究的牧羊人项目将思想和行动结合起来,直接服务于弱势社区. 通过一系列的课程和服务机会, 该项目培养来自不同专业和政治观点的学生与这些社区合作,解决与贫困相关的问题.


Amanda Bower

Department Head

Conner Williams

Administrative Assistant


Pooja Thakur-Wernz在《太阳城集团官网》上的论文


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Lingshu Hu will receive $2,他从弗吉尼亚独立学院基金会(Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges)获得了5万美元,以支持他在X/Twitter上的政治人气研究.

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助理教授米歇尔·考恩(Michelle Cowan)和26岁的学生维多利亚·比利利(Victoria Bliley)和26岁的扎卡里·帕克特(Zachary Puckett)的夏季研究成果被《太阳城集团》(spectra) 7月版引用.

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W&L Outcomes: Kathryn Cover ’24

Cover在纽约的Prosek Partners做公关学徒.

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W&L Outcomes: Jackson Hotchkiss ’24


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Jay Margalus在维吉尼亚创新加速器现场参观他的设计思维课程.


The 2023-2024 academic year at W&我看到,通过社区学习办公室(CBL)提供的一项新的教师发展倡议,为学生提供了几门新课程。.

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Bright Frimpong是众筹期刊的合著者


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Bright Frimpong和Keri Larson与另外两人合作撰写了一篇关于众筹的论文,刊登在《太阳城集团》上.

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W&L的Leslie Frederick将出席在纽约市举行的2024年AACSB评估和AoL会议


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Meet Nathan Unger ’24

Unger embraces the full W&我的经历,包括不可思议的学习机会和成为一名DIII运动员.

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A four-person team comprised of John Schleider ‘24, Diwesh Kumar ‘24, 25岁的布拉德福德·布什和25岁的德鲁·汤普森获得了3美元奖金,000 top prize for their pitch on CVS Health.

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Meet Leif Smith ’24

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Sample Courses

Courses emphasize communication, business theory and practice, connections between business and other fields, and serving society with vision and integrity.

BUS 383

The Business of Tech

本课程的目的是让学生了解技术发明转化为创新的过程. 该领域学者的重要著作将指导课堂讨论,以理解太阳城集团官网管理创新是复杂的, cross-functional, and a historically dependent endeavor. By the end of the class, 学生们将会对创业的心态有一种欣赏, key actors in the start-up process, 以及技术商业化的途径. In addition to these discussions, 学生们将前往硅谷,不仅会见最近创业/技术领域的个人, 还可以参观旧金山湾区创新的历史和背景.

BUS 370

Integrated Marketing Communications

营销传播要素的性质和贡献(e.g.(广告、促销、网络)创造品牌资产和刺激需求. 一门以项目为导向的课程,强调概念的战略性应用,从而形成产品和/或服务的综合传播计划. 课程有一个辅助的实验部分,通过实习来教授技术技能和强化概念.

BUS 392

Layered Berlin

为期四周的海外课程,让学生真正沉浸在德语中, culture and business environment. 为了让学生对当代德国有一个完整的了解, 我们将对德国从1848年至今的丰富历史进行文学历史分析,并介绍德国的社会和经济制度,重点关注以利益相关者为中心的商业和可持续性原则. Through an exciting mix of literary fiction, historical readings and cases, and film screenings, along with corporate and cultural site visits, 学生将了解“大C”文化与商业文化之间的相互依存关系.

An alumna speaking with a student

An alumna speaking with a student



工商管理专业的学生可以期待在投资银行工作, marketing, consulting, finance, retailing and manufacturing. 许多校友进入国内最好的学校攻读MBA课程.

Meet the Faculty

At W&L,学生们喜欢小班授课,并与教授保持密切的关系,教授负责教育和培养学生.

Amanda Bower
Amanda Bower

Amanda Bower

Charles C. Holbrook, Jr. 1972年工商管理学教授,工商管理系系主任

鲍尔教授营销管理和创意战略规划课程. 她研究了文科与商业环境之间的关系, which gives her courses an interdisciplinary aspect.

Curriculum Vitae

Joel Adams
Joel Adams

Joel Adams

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Curriculum Vitae

Andi Coulter
Andi Coulter

Andi Coulter


库尔特教授教授商业沟通和社交媒体策略. Her research interests include the music industry, user-centered design, and social sustainability in art. 库尔特教授为纽约地下乐队Suicide的音乐系列写了一本书, 她目前的研究着眼于短视频和参与分析.

Michelle Cowan
Michelle Cowan

Michelle Cowan

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Anushka Daunt
Anushka Daunt

Anushka Daunt

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Justin Davis
Justin Davis

Justin Davis

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Gavin Fox
Gavin Fox

Gavin Fox

Associate Professor of Business Administration

福克斯教授市场营销,并与创业学院广泛合作. 他的背景是供应链管理,并于2004年作为军需官中尉在伊拉克服役. He researches viral marketing.

Curriculum Vitae

Bright Frimpong
Bright Frimpong

Bright Frimpong

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Elisabeth Gilbert
Elisabeth Gilbert

Elisabeth Gilbert

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

吉尔伯特教授组织行为学方面的课程. 她的研究重点是人们如何改善自己的工作体验, including such topics as voice, 组织中的员工幸福感和建设性偏差.

Curriculum Vitae

Andrew Hess

Andrew Hess

Ehrick Kilner Haight Sr. 工商管理学系终身教授兼副系主任

赫斯是1997届校友,从事社会创新领域的研究和教学, strategy and international business. Before returning to W&他曾在波士顿的Fleet National Bank和Silicon Valley Bank工作.

Curriculum Vitae

Charlotte Hoopes
Charlotte Hoopes

Charlotte Hoopes

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Curriculum Vitae

Lingshu Hu
Lingshu Hu

Lingshu Hu

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

拥有专注于计算方法的新闻学博士学位,以及人工智能和机器学习的研究生证书, 胡教授的主要教学兴趣包括为社会科学专业的学生提供数据分析,帮助学生掌握数据分析和可视化的讲故事技能.

Emily Landry
Emily Landry

Emily Landry

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Keri M. Larson
Keri M. Larson

Keri M. Larson

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

拉尔森教授的课程帮助学生学习理解和使用管理领域的数据. 她研究了非结构化文本数据的分析,以支持组织决策.

Curriculum Vitae

Jayson Margalus
Jayson Margalus

Jayson Margalus


Jeffrey Schatten
Jeffrey Schatten

Jeffrey Schatten

Associate Professor of Business Administration

Schatten教授教授组织行为学课程, leadership and decision making, 以及一个由学生和囚犯组成的独特班级,在列克星敦附近的一所最低安全级别的监狱里授课.

Curriculum Vitae

Robert D. Straughan
Robert D. Straughan

Robert D. Straughan


斯特劳恩教授国际营销策略和可持续商业. 他撰写了数十篇关于可持续商业和跨文化商业的研究. 他与对咨询有职业兴趣的学生密切合作.

Curriculum Vitae

Pooja Thakur-Wernz
Pooja Thakur-Wernz

Pooja Thakur-Wernz

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Thakur-Wernz是一位战略管理和国际商业教育家和学者. 她的研究重点是企业战略选择的影响, such as offshoring, outsourcing and international expansion, on the innovation of firms, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.

Joel Adams
Andi Coulter
Michelle Cowan
Anushka Daunt
Justin Davis
Gavin Fox
Bright Frimpong
Elisabeth Gilbert
Charlotte Hoopes
Lingshu Hu
Emily Landry
Keri M. Larson
Jayson Margalus
Jeffrey Schatten
Robert D. Straughan
Pooja Thakur-Wernz
Amanda Bower