Environmental Studies

  • Degree Type Bachelor of Arts
  • Department Interdisciplinary
  • Academic Division The College
  • Offerings Major Minor

Students in canoes on a river Students in canoes on a river

环境研究是研究人类与自然环境之间相互作用的一种整体方法. 这个跨学科的项目包括核心课程和人文学科课程, social sciences and natural sciences. 一个最终的顶点经验借鉴了课程的多样性来检查原因, consequences and solutions to environmental problems.

Why Study Environmental Studies at W&L?

  • The curriculum draws on the strengths of W&莱克星顿拥有多个系的L教师和出色的自然环境,提供真正独特的本科体验,强调基于地点的学习.
  • 我们的教师是来自不同环境学科的有成就的学者和教师. Students can take courses in applied ecology, environmental economics, Native American culture and anthropology, geology and eco-writing, among other topics.
  • 跨学科课程将来自不同系的教授聚集在教室里. 他们展示了如何将各自的领域结合在一起,以更好地理解环境问题的本质及其解决方案. 哲学家与生态学家合作,经济学家与人类学家合作,等等.
  • We emphasize place-based learning, putting course subjects in context with the local environment; examples include examining how land use around Lexington influences the health of the Chesapeake Bay coastal ecosystem, 前往南达科他州学习文化和经济在拉科塔人的历史中是如何交织在一起的, or studying ecotourism in Central America.
  • 我们在巴西的留学项目提供身临其境的体验,让学生在一个独特的不同文化中学习人与环境的关系, political, economic and ecological setting.
  • 顶点经验鼓励学生完成独立研究或作为合作团队的一部分,从跨学科的角度研究特定的环境问题,并提供深刻的见解, often creative solutions.

Collaborative research with faculty: 学生可以在学年期间与项目教师一起进行应用环境研究,以获得学分,也可以在夏季期间作为带薪研究员. 学生经常参加国内或国际会议,在同行评议的期刊上与教师一起展示他们的研究和合著出版物.

U.S.-Brazil Exchange Program: In this six-month or one-year cultural immersion experience, students learn Portuguese, live in Brazil, 参加与能源和环境相关的课程和研究.

Internship opportunities: 教师资助和合作研究已经使学生在美国大学暑期实习.S. Geological Survey, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and similar offices. The A. 保罗·奈特奖学金项目提供在爱达荷州亨利·福克基金会和大自然保护协会实习的机会.

After W&L

环境研究的校友已经在包括环境咨询在内的各个领域工作, alternative energy industries, corporate environmental sustainability, federal and state environmental agencies, legal services, education and academia.


“环境研究系教会我更全面地思考社会正义与科学之间的联系, as well as how the environment shapes every aspect of human life.”

Kerriann Laubach
Class of 2013, ’16L

Bill Hamilton

Interim Program Head

Debra Frein

Program Coordinator


Margaret Hinkle

Margaret Anne Hinkle获得了国家科学基金会的合作资助


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副教授Catarina Passidomo ' 04现在德莱尼中心对话讨论


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Where the Wild Things Are

Marcie Bernard ' 25探索了兽医在亚马逊雨林的不同途径,因为她在Hoja Nueva工作,以恢复和重新野生动物.

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Cultivating a Community of Care

Through the Davis Projects for Peace Grant and a Fulbright ETA, 23岁的艾丽·斯坦科维奇(Allie Stankewich)正在与她在东非服务的社区建立关系.

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Connor Smith '26 pauses to enjoy a scenic vista

Summer Knights

The A. Paul Knight Internship Program in Conservation, named in memory of a late Washington and Lee student, 让学生追求他们对环境保护的热情.

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Lending a Healing Hand

With the support of a Johnson Opportunity Grant, 27岁的Sofia Iuteri正在扩大她16岁时创建的非营利组织的影响范围.

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W&L’s Ian Kinney ’24 Selected for U.S. Teaching Assistantship to Austria

金尼将在奥地利的一个农业研究所教英语, blending his interests in German and environmental studies.

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Meet Emma Scott ‘26


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These faculty have been recognized for their outstanding teaching, scholarship and service to the university.

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Meet Katherine Hudson ’26


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Sample Courses

At W&L, we believe education and experience go hand-in-hand. 你会被鼓励深入、探索和发现能拓宽你视野的联系.

ENV 202

Society & Natural Resources

为环境研究学生提供的自然科学基础, 本课程强调理解如何研究社会经济条件,从而为环境政策提供信息和形成环境政策. 考虑地方、区域和全球环境案例研究.

BIOL 325

Ecological Modeling & Conservation Strategies

本课程着重介绍生态建模的基本方法及其应用, 重点是被开发或受到威胁的种群的动态和制定有效保护的战略. Topics include managing harvested populations, population viability analysis, individual based models, and simulation modeling for systems analyses.

ECON 255

Environmental & Natural Resource Economics

本课程是环境和自然资源经济学的入门课程. 经济原则用于评估涉及环境和自然资源的管理和使用的公共和私人决策. Aspects pertaining to fisheries, forests, species diversity, agriculture and various policies to reduce air, water and toxic pollution are discussed.

GEOL 141

Global Climate Change

对地球复杂气候系统和人类活动对未来气候影响的研究. Through readings, discussions, data analyses and modeling exercises, the past and future changes in temperature, ocean circulation, rainfall, storminess, biogeochemistry, glacial ice extent and sea level are explored.

PHIL 150

Ethics & the Environment

这门课程是对一个人对自然世界的责任的哲学探索. It has three main objectives: first, 提供不同的主流伦理理论及其在动物中的应用的理解, plants and ecosystems; second, 提供对当前政治辩论中的主要环境问题的理解, such as climate change, species preservation and sustainable development; and third, 促进学生对环境的道德发展.

ECON 259

Environment & Development in Amazonas

Amazonas is a huge Brazilian state of 1.500万平方公里,保留了94%的原始森林覆盖面积. 本课程探讨森林在正规和非正规经济部门对经济发展的重要性, 以及如何制定政策来促进环境保护和提高亚马逊地区城乡的生活质量.

Meet the Faculty

At W&L,学生们喜欢小班授课,并与教授保持密切的关系,教授负责教育和培养学生.

Robert Humston
Robert Humston

Robert Humston


Humston teaches Introduction to Environmental Studies, Aquatic Ecology and Ecological Modeling, among other courses. He has researched fisheries management, 鱼类生态学与动植物的传播/运动行为.

Curriculum Vitae

Mauricio Betancourt
Mauricio Betancourt

Mauricio Betancourt

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Betancourt teaches Intro to Environmental Studies, Environmental Sociology, and the Commodification of Nature. His research has focused on agroecology, nature-society interactions, imperialism, and unequal ecological exchange.

Paul Cabe
Paul Cabe

Paul Cabe

Professor of Biology

凯布教授教授许多遗传学课程,以及鸟类学. 他的研究兴趣集中在利用现代分子方法收集数据,以回答群体遗传学和进化生物学领域的问题. 他还对鸟类学、生态学和保护生物学感兴趣.

Curriculum Vitae

Jamie Casey
Jamie Casey

Jamie Casey

Professor of Economics

Casey is a 1991 W&教授经济与环境关系课程的毕业生. 他的研究重点是环境基金和农业经济学.

Greg Cooper
Greg Cooper

Greg Cooper

Emeritus Faculty, Professor of Philosophy

库珀的教学和研究兴趣广泛,但经常在哲学和生态学的交叉点相遇. 他在生物学哲学和一般环境哲学方面进行了研究并发表了文章.

Curriculum Vitae

Leah Naomi Green
Leah Naomi Green

Leah Naomi Green


Green’s courses include Eco-Writing, “Wilderness, Wildness, & Cultivation," and topics for first-year writing seminars. She has researched creative writing (poetry), environmental literature, Buddhist practice, and food justice.


Lisa Greer
Lisa Greer

Lisa Greer

Department Head, Professor of Earth and Environmental Geoscience

Professor Greer teaches general geology, global climate change, oceanography, history and evolution of the earth, and sedimentation and stratigraphy. She is a core member of the environmental studies faculty. She has spent years researching the health, 加勒比地区濒临灭绝的鹿角珊瑚的数量和历史.

Joseph Guse
Joseph Guse

Joseph Guse

Professor of Economics

Joseph Guse教授微观经济学理论、博弈论、统计学和环境经济学. 他参与教授春季学期拉科塔和托霍诺奥哈姆部落的课程. His research focuses on credit in American Indian communities.

Curriculum Vitae

Bill Hamilton
Bill Hamilton

Bill Hamilton

Biology Department Head and Professor of Biology

Hamilton teaches courses in biology and environmental studies, such as Yellowstone Ecology and Experimental Botany. 他的研究与生态系统动力学有关,重点是黄石国家公园的动物-植物-土壤相互作用.

Rebecca C. Harris
Rebecca C. Harris

Rebecca C. Harris

Professor of Politics

Harris teaches applied American Politics courses in government, public policy and environmental policy. 她的跨学科研究主要集中在基因科学和食品政治中的党派关系.

Curriculum Vitae

Andrew Hess

Andrew Hess

Ehrick Kilner Haight Sr. 工商管理学系终身教授兼副系主任

赫斯是1997届校友,从事社会创新领域的研究和教学, strategy and international business. Before returning to W&他曾在波士顿的Fleet National Bank和Silicon Valley Bank工作.

Curriculum Vitae

Megan F. Hess
Megan F. Hess

Megan F. Hess

Associate Professor of Accounting

Hess is a 1997 alumna who teaches courses in auditing, accounting ethics and corporate sustainability. Before becoming a professor, 她在该行业工作了12年,专注于调查财务报表欺诈.

Curriculum Vitae

Margaret Anne Hinkle
Margaret Anne Hinkle

Margaret Anne Hinkle

Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Geoscience

Professor Hinkle teaches general geology, water resources, environmental field methods, hydrology, and earth and environmental geochemistry. She is an affiliate member of the environmental studies faculty. 她的研究旨在了解矿物-水界面的生物地球化学过程如何影响水的组成.

Lawrence E. Hurd
Lawrence E. Hurd

Lawrence E. Hurd

Herwick Professor of Biology

Hurd teaches zoology, ecology and biodiversity conservation. His research is on tropical biodiversity and entomology.

Curriculum Vitae

James Kahn
James Kahn

James Kahn

Emeritus Faculty, John F. 亨顿经济学教授和环境研究教授

卡恩是1975年的校友,教授环境与发展经济学课程. 他还在亚马逊地区教授春季留学课程,并研究环境政策和资源经济学.

Curriculum Vitae

Elizabeth Knapp
Elizabeth Knapp

Elizabeth Knapp

Director of the Johnson Program in Leadership and Integrity; Professor of Earth and Environmental Geoscience

纳普教授教授一般地质学和夏威夷地质学概论. She is an affiliate member of the environmental studies faculty. 她研究了低温水地球化学和水质/污染物运输.

David Marsh
David Marsh

David Marsh

Professor of Biology

Marsh teaches Intro to Behavioral Ecology, Microbiome, Field Herpetology, Animal Behavior and Statistics for Biology and Medicine. 他的研究包括气候变化对特有的山顶蝾螈的影响, 道路和土地使用对美国东部和中部青蛙和蟾蜍种群的影响.S., and population dynamics of terrestrial salamanders.

Curriculum Vitae

Catarina Passidomo
Catarina Passidomo

Catarina Passidomo

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies

帕西多莫是一位人类地理学家,他的研究重点是食物系统和食物之间的关系, place, nature, society, and power. She teaches Food, Place, and Power; Introduction to Environmental Studies; the Capstone seminar; and other courses in Environmental Studies.

Curriculum Vitae

Kary Smout
Kary Smout

Kary Smout

Associate Professor of English

Smout teaches courses on the literature of the American South, American West and business in American literature. His research interests include language and culture, writing instruction and the politics of higher education.

Curriculum Vitae

Mauricio Betancourt
Paul Cabe
Jamie Casey
Greg Cooper
Leah Naomi Green
Lisa Greer
Joseph Guse
Bill Hamilton
Rebecca C. Harris
Megan F. Hess
Margaret Anne Hinkle
Lawrence E. Hurd
James Kahn
Elizabeth Knapp
David Marsh
Catarina Passidomo
Kary Smout
Robert Humston