
  • Degree Type Bachelor of Arts
  • Department History
  • Academic Division The College
  • Offerings Major

砖墙与暴露层和挖掘笔记 砖墙与暴露层和挖掘笔记

历史通过各种社会视角审视过去, political and intellectual; textual and material — enriching us as individuals and preparing us to engage the complexities and ambiguities of the contemporary world.


历史课程强调仔细阅读和分析原始资料,以便根据自己的条件接近过去. 但我们也强调,研究历史是一个解释的过程,需要注意方法, theories and scholarly debates. The training students receive in research skills, 批判性分析和说明性写作为他们追求商业生涯做好了准备, education, law, 公共服务和其他各种职业.

历史专业很紧凑,很多学生选择双学位, add a minor or sample broadly the rest of the W&L curriculum.

我们的部门提供了对美国的遥远和最近的历史的各种课程和观点, Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and East Asia. It supports programs in Africana Studies, East Asian Studies, Environmental Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Russian Area Studies, and Women and Gender Studies, and offers courses in the history of science.





W&L提供一系列出国留学选择,并提供必要的资源支持,以确保任何学生都能获得合适的国际经验. 历史系在春季学期赞助了几次旅行. W&L strongly encourages student research. 历史系可以为希望参加会议或从事研究旅行的学生提供经济援助.

太阳城集团和李历史系为高级学生提供了进行重要原创性研究的机会,最终以荣誉论文告终. 成功的候选人将获得文学学士学位,并获得历史荣誉学位.


我们的毕业生都进入了公共服务行业, government, teaching, museum curating, law, business, finance and more.

Molly Michelmore

Department Head

Amanda Smith

Administrative Assistant




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桑德斯在太阳城集团和李工作了40多年, 提供无数关于大学历史的讲座.

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W&L Outcomes: Lillie Taylor ’24

Taylor is moving to Niigata Prefecture, Japan, 担任JET项目的助理语言教师.

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Assistant Professor of History Nneka Dennie



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Record Number of W&L学生获重要语言奖学金


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Assistant Professor of History Nneka Dennie

助理教授Nneka Dennie将在德莱尼中心进行对话讲座


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The Chilean activist’s talk will be held Feb. 12 at 5 p.m.

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Assistant Professor of History Nneka Dennie

教授Nneka Dennie讨论她最近的书在黑人报纸编辑玛丽安沙德卡里

历史学助理教授将于2月10日举行讲座. 7 at noon in the Harte Center Gallery.

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W&L将在萨莱诺柴火披萨店主持“切片研究”项目 & Taphouse

新晋升的教员将于1月10日以PechaKucha格式展示他们的研究成果. 30.

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History of Ghosts Payne Hall

Haunted History


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Sample Courses

At W&我们相信教育和经验是相辅相成的. 你会被鼓励深入、探索和发现能拓宽你视野的联系.

HIST 225

The Reformation in Britain

16世纪的宗教改革打破了英格兰和苏格兰曾经统一的宗教文化. Although important continuities remained, 新教的传入在两个国家都产生了巨大的影响, 包括对救赎本质的激烈冲突, the burning of martyrs, the hunting of witches, religious migrations, a reorientation of foreign policy, changes in baptismal and burial practices, and more. 学生们探索这些变化,以及一些历史上最迷人的人物的生活和遗产, 从英格兰的亨利八世和托马斯·克伦威尔到苏格兰的玛丽女王和约翰·诺克斯, 同时也不断询问英格兰和苏格兰的普通男女如何经历宗教改革及其后果.

HIST 288

Key Thinkers on Environment

环境方面的关键思想家是本课程的核心, 从古代的伟人如亚里士多德到现代的作家如大卫铃木和E.O. 关于人类世的生态系统危机. 我们重点介绍了一些19世纪环保意识和自然保护的标志, 比如欧洲的亚历山大·冯·洪堡和美国的洪堡人, 包括弗雷德里克·埃德温·丘奇和亨利·大卫·梭罗.

HIST 386

Mongols, Manchus & Muslims

中国最后一个王朝史无前例的扩张主义, the Qing (1644–1911), 产生了一个种族和地理多元化的帝国,其遗产就是今天中华人民共和国的地图和多民族社会. The Qing Empire’s establishment, 它的扩展和巩固与它的满族祖先的民族身份密不可分. 满族试图统一多样性,形成了一个连接东方的独特帝国项目, Inner and Southeast Asia. 本课程探讨了多民族的本质和这种统一的局限性, as well as its 20th-century transformations.

HIST 207

Dreaming of Paris

“The City of Lights.” “The City of Love.” The capital of fashion. The world’s most romantic city. The second most visited city in the world. For centuries, 作为一个致力于享乐的城市,巴黎一直具有持久的吸引力, intellectual life, culture, art and fashion. 本课程探讨了巴黎的魅力和这座城市的一些神话, 以及图像背后的现实和历史.

HIST 219

The Age of the Witch Hunts

本课程向学生介绍西方世界历史上最引人入胜和最令人不安的事件之一:近代早期欧洲和北美的政治迫害. Between 1450 and 1750, more than 100,000 individuals, from Russia to Salem, were prosecuted for the crime of witchcraft. 其中大多数是妇女,一半以上被处决. In this course, we examine the political, religious, social and legal reasons behind the trials, 问太阳城集团官网它们在欧洲发生,太阳城集团官网它们最终结束了. We also explore, in brief, 如今在非洲和印度等地仍在发生的全球性政治迫害, 询问他们与早期现代世界的相似之处和不同之处.

HIST 212


An exploration of the history of crime, law enforcement, and punishment during the period of 1200–1650. 我们的中心项目是调查从缺乏非常有偏见的来源写历史的深层问题:过去世界的犯罪记录. 我们从核心的历史问题开始:什么是犯罪, who defined it, and with what authority? What could count as proof of guilt? What constituted acceptable punishment (torture, imprisonment, spectacle executions, penance) and how did this change over time? 政治、宗教、阶级、性别或边缘地位扮演了什么角色?

Meet the Faculty

At W&L,学生们喜欢小班授课,并与教授保持密切的关系,教授负责教育和培养学生.

Molly Michelmore
Molly Michelmore

Molly Michelmore

Department Head, History; Professor of History

Michelmore teaches courses on race, class and politics in postwar America, the age of Reagan, the 1960s, and the Cold War. 她研究了财政政策和福利国家的形成, as well as American political development.

Curriculum Vitae

Kameliya N. Atanasova
Kameliya N. Atanasova

Kameliya N. Atanasova

Assistant Professor of Religion

Atanasova研究宗教的交集, 通过研究苏非派在近代早期奥斯曼帝国的社会角色来研究法律和政治. 她教授伊斯兰文明、苏菲主义、美国的伊斯兰教和电影中的穆斯林.

Henryatta Ballah
Henryatta Ballah

Henryatta Ballah

Assistant Professor of History

巴拉的教学和研究主要集中在19世纪和20世纪的非洲. 她的书项目探讨了1950年至2010年利比里亚青年的政治激进主义.

David Bello
David Bello

David Bello

Director of East Asian Studies; Professor of History

贝罗教授中国和日本历史课程. 他的研究重点是清朝和边陲环境史. 他就这个问题发表了许多著名的学术著作.

Michelle D. (Mikki) Brock
Michelle D. (Mikki) Brock

Michelle D. (Mikki) Brock

Professor of History

布洛克教授英国和大西洋历史课程, the Reformation, witchcraft and the devil, and the history of poverty. 她的研究主要集中在早期现代苏格兰的超自然和宗教信仰和身份.

Curriculum Vitae

Matthew Chalmers
Matthew Chalmers

Matthew Chalmers

Adjunct Professor of History

Nneka Dennie
Nneka Dennie

Nneka Dennie

Assistant Professor of History

丹尼教授是一位黑人女权主义学者,专门研究非裔美国人思想史. 她的课程研究美国和加勒比地区的种族和性别. 她目前正在写两本关于19世纪黑人女性思想家的书.


Leticia Fernández-Fontecha
Leticia Fernández-Fontecha

Leticia Fernández-Fontecha

Visiting Assistant Professor of History

Romina Green
Romina Green

Romina Green

Assistant Professor of History

Green Rioja教授的研究兴趣包括检查现代智利历史上的结构性种族主义,并确定取代土著马普切人的定居者-殖民政策.

Alana Holland
Alana Holland

Alana Holland

Assistant Professor of History

Sarah Horowitz
Sarah Horowitz

Sarah Horowitz

Professor of History

霍洛维茨教授欧洲现代史课程,专攻法国史和欧洲性别史. 她正在写一本关于1908-1909年施泰因海尔事件中性别和性的政治的书.

Curriculum Vitae

Barton A. Myers
Barton A. Myers

Barton A. Myers


迈尔斯教授的课程包括美国内战、战争与社会、美国宪法.S. South, and public history. 他的研究兴趣是非正规战争,士兵和暴行,以及政治异议.

Samantha Rosenthal
Samantha Rosenthal

Samantha Rosenthal

Visiting Assistant Professor of History

Nicolaas A. Rupke
Nicolaas A. Rupke

Nicolaas A. Rupke

Johnson Professor of History

Rupke教授“科学史”课程, politics and the public good,处理与人类道德有关的动物行为, with Darwin and his critics, scientists as political leaders, and medical history.

Curriculum Vitae

Franklin Sammons
Franklin Sammons

Franklin Sammons

Assistant Professor of History

Melissa Vise
Melissa Vise

Melissa Vise

Assistant Professor of History

维塞教授教授中世纪欧洲史, violence, crime and punishment, law, and religion and culture. 她的研究兴趣是中世纪欧洲知识分子, cultural, 以及宗教历史,尤其关注意大利半岛.

Kameliya N. Atanasova
Henryatta Ballah
David Bello
Michelle D. (Mikki) Brock
Matthew Chalmers
Nneka Dennie
Leticia Fernández-Fontecha
Romina Green
Alana Holland
Sarah Horowitz
Barton A. Myers
Samantha Rosenthal
Nicolaas A. Rupke
Franklin Sammons
Melissa Vise
Molly Michelmore